Shake It Off

Little shifts, big lifts
I never want to stay the same. When I feel stagnant, I move, I clear out my wardrobe, I cut my hair off, I colour it, I shift – and when I do, it creates a feeling of new energy, which gives me a boost and somehow wills whatever I need into being.
So let’s change things up.
As we move into spring, newness begins to surround us. Whether it’s the tiny verdant tips of green bulbs nudging through the brown earth, or the full moon hanging in the sky, little things in the world remind us that, astrologically, this is the new year.
Now is the time to embrace change: walk to work a new way; see friends you don’t normally see; buy those boots (you’ll wear them). Lean into new feelings for new people – you never know who you’re going to meet, after all – because now is also the time to consider what you want to bring into your life. The shift in energy, the new moon, the longer days, (and the new boots), all offer up a moment to think about the how and the who.
I created Vyrao as a simple way to help amplify these manifestations. Looking to bring in love? Try Georgette, which honestly opens my heart every time I spray it. If you want to clear some negativity and attract the good stuff, we created Magnetic 70 with vetiver and cedar wood – I always say it’s like having a golden orb of protection around me.
Transition doesn’t have to be big. It can be small – tiny increments, the way the seasons pass by, as gradual as the sunset. So shake off winter and lean into change. You never know where it will take you.