Glassette's Laura Jackson Shares Her Favourite Wellbeing Scents

This month Vyrao's wellbeing scents for the home and our personal spaces launched over at Glassette, the curated interiors website launched by our friend Laura Jackson. Vyrao and Glassette are united in our mission to create an uplifting environment to live in, everyday. We caught up with Laura Jackson to hear more about her work, and the Vyrao fragrance she loves for herself.
Laura Jackson self portrait
How did Glassette come into being?
I was super keen to build a community of like-minded interior brands together on one beautiful, curated platform. We really want to democratise an industry that at times feels exclusive, to make it more fun, diverse and accessible.
What’s the criteria for being stocked on Glassette, and how does Vyrao vibe into that?
Our homes tell a story of who we are, and Vyrao creates scents that affect and lift our mood and how we feel in the spaces we’ve created for ourselves.
Describe an aroma that conjures up summer for you?
I love a good waft of tomato leaves – that aroma makes me think of summers in France and Italy. That, and a swimming costume; when you have been on the beach all day, when it smells like the sea and suncream – I’d love to bottle this smell for our long British winters.
What’s your relationship with home fragrance? Are you candles and incense all day long?
I am so here for a candle. Candles make the house feel so comforting and inviting, even striking the match feels like a beautiful part of this ritual – oh, and I wanted Vyrao incense as soon as it launched on Glassette.
What are your favourite Vyrao fragrance and candles?
I have the High Five travel set of perfumes, I take one wherever I go and I can alternate between them daily, although I do have a slight preference for Witchy Woo.
For candles, the Rose Marie is heaven. Rose is such a delicate fragrance and can sometimes smell too sweet – but Vyrao has nailed the perfect rose.
What makes a high vibration day for you?
Working on Glassette, coming up with the creative, talking about products, working with brands, brainstorming with the team – I am so excited about where we are heading. In the evening, I have a calm dinner and take space to think about the day’s discoveries and learnings. I love being busy - and I really love my job, but it’s important after a hectic day to let my brain take stock.
Are you a bit Witchy Woo? (Energy healing, crystals, meditation etc) Tell us everything!
Yes, yes and yes! I have always loved alternative therapies but have recently started tracking my periods – and the moods that come with it - so I am taking an even deeper dive into all things cosmic! I have regular acupuncture (I see Joanna Ellner who is magic), but meditation is yet to be cracked. I’ll get there one day..
Where are you going on holiday this summer and what’s magical about it?
It’s no secret that I love travelling, having a passport feels like my biggest luxury. I need travel for personal and professional growth, I get so much from culture, food, people, and in real life experiences. This summer, I’m mainly spending time in Europe – I am already salivating thinking of those Italian tomatoes.
Thank you Laura.