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Who Wants A Psychic Summer?

Who Wants A Psychic Summer?

I was going to sleep the other night, and sometimes just before I fall asleep, I get these very clear visions of things I’d like to focus on or say. I guess that time of pre-sleep is the closest feeling to meditation and the mind is clear… And so, in that lucid state what I felt was…. let’s get psychic.

Intuition is something we talk a lot about at Vyrao, and it’s what I’ve been guided by in my life since I can remember. But we can take intuition a step further, you know? We all have that ability. We all have that little antenna that we can choose to open and tune into or not…the sceptics choose to keep it closed, but people like me with uber amounts of faith do the work to open it up, and then try keeping the channel clear. We even created a scent to help do that.

The thing about intuition, being connected, being psychic - is that it’s all the same thing. We’re connecting to our inner self and therefore to the energy field all around us. I can honestly say without any risk of ridicule that I’ve been incredibly psychic in moments of my life. I’ve even had times where I’ve seen, heard, and received messages from spirit; these spirits came to me with messages from loved ones that had passed on, often in awe-inspiring ways. Call me mad, I don’t mind, I trust it and I know it to be true - it’s simply connecting to the energy field that we exist amongst. It’s said that all the great artists throughout time have channelled their work from this place, and so from here we can also access our greatest creativity.

I’ve also had times where I’ve had strong physical energetic reactions, like the moment I told one of my best friends that I was going to create my own brand and when I said it, I got an exceptionally strong electrical-current-like zap throughout my body - she felt it too. I’ve had experiences like that a few times, those reminders that what we see is not all there is, that there is more to our reality than we can interpret with our five senses. That’s why The Sixth is such a personal scent for me.

I wish I could do the work to stay open all the time. I’d quite like to hear spirit messages every day but I don’t; most of the time I’m in my head, working, with my kids, trying to fit in exercise and self-care and just live my life. I do believe we all need simple tools to help us remember who we are, reminders that we are energetic beings living in an extraordinary world from which we can channel, manifest, and feel it all.

Katt Nicholson has been my psychic for more than a decade and together we created The Sixth - a scent with radical ingredients that is scientifically proven to induce mindfulness, as well as to simply shift you toward opening your intuitive ability… I’m deeply proud of the message of this one because we all can benefit from being a little more psychic. It opens us up to the true richness of the world we live in.

Lastly, I want to say I’ve also been doing some new and strong affirmations lately - this one is particularly good if you feel like taking it on: “I am an unlimited being, accepting from an unlimited source, in an unlimited way.” I mean…let’s let go of any limitations we have in this life.

Have a great summer -
Let’s tune in to it,
It’s nice in there.

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